Tag Archives: trudy beyak

University of the Fraser Valley

Painted Canyon DSCN0563A DIALOGUE ABOUT GOD…WHAT WE’VE BEEN MISSING… Some Dominican monks once asked Albert Camus (a Nobel prize-winning philosopher) to speak on the topic: What Unbelievers Expect from Christians. I love what Camus told them.

“What I feel like telling you today is that the world needs real dialogue, that falsehood is just as much the opposite of dialogue as is silence, and that the only possible dialogue is the kind between people who remain what they are and speak their minds. This is tantamount to saying that the world of today needs Christians who remain Christians.”

In that vein, the dialogue we had at the University of the Fraser Valley on the nature of God was all about what we’ve been missing! It took place in the Lecture Theater. Loved seeing you there!