Tag Archives: noise

Morning Meditation

 Let me understand the teaching of your precepts; then I will meditate on your wondersPsalm 119: 27 NIV

I don’t know about you, but I need peace. I need to turn off the noise of the world and focus on beauty and I often find this while walking in God’s creation. Every morning, I take my Bible in hand, go to a quiet place in the forest, pray and read, and meditate on the wonders of God. I look forward to my morning meditation as the favorite time of my day. Today, the chickadees and winter wrens were singing all around me as I walked along the forest path and I saw myriads of dainty trillium popping their white blossoms out of the ground. Out of the dreary beds of gnarled dry leaves and death of winter, springs new life. What I could not see earlier, but what was there in the soil, beyond my view nonetheless, was the seed – that wondrous promise of God that there is life after death.